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Melodie der Welt


Frankfurt am Main, October 19, 2017, TRICK OR TREAT MEDIA and Rapper MICEL O now cooperate

Rapper MICEL O, who has worked in the past with other HipHop artists like Manuellsen, Kay One and US rapper Mims, has signed in the edition TOTM, administered by Melodie der Welt.

The artist has just broken the million mark on views on the portal YouTube with his current single "Baby du bist anders" from his EP "Feelings". On 4th November 2017, he will be on stage for a show in Bochum as a support act of German rapper Azad and French rapper Alrima.

The director of rap artist Yves Christian Fernau said: "With Trick or Treat Publishing / MdW, we have gained a great partner who is an excellent choice due to many years of experience in business. We are looking forward to working with the team of TOTM and MdW."

"Micel's music convinces with the sound and its technology. I see in him a lot of potential and we will help to gain his maximum,” Bernd Wendlandt explains the motivation of Edition TOTM.

Photo (from the left): Bernd Wendlandt (Trick or Treat Publishing / MdW), Micel O (artist), Yves Christian Fernau (management) - met at the Red Bull Studios in Berlin.

Frankfurt am Main, October 18, 2017, Hubert Wolf – Polka melodies

Anyone who is interested in brass music will find the name Hubert Wolf sometime. He composed famous pieces such as "Der Schornsteinfeger aus Eger” (The chimney sweep from Eger), "Heute hast du Geburtstag” (You have birthday today), "Hinter den Wolken scheint immer die Sonne” (Behind the clouds always shines the sun) or "Jeder Tag bringt neue Hoffnung” (Every day brings new hope). From 1965 until his death in 1981, Hubert Wolf performed with his "Original Böhmerländer Musikanten” (Original Bohemian Musicians) an extra class of brass music and, besides Ernst Mosch and his band, was one of the most popular brass bands in the field of German folk entertainment. The melodies by Hubert Wolf still belong to the permanent repertoire of all folk musicians. In his own founded CLOU Music Publishing Company, Hubert Wolf has also made his titles accessible to other brass bands. Further editions by Hubert Wolf have been edited by CLOU Music, administered by MELODIE DER WELT, in collaboration with HeBu-Musikverlag, and has been published since 2014 in new editions.

„Hubert Wolf – Polkamelodien“, arranged by Klaus Rambacher, has now been released as the latest publication of CLOU Music by Hubert Wolf. This new potpourri for brass music contains the titles "Wild Roses from Bohemia", "Annamirl-Polka" and "Bruoda Liederle", which Hubert Wolf composed under his pseudonym Wenzel Valcek. You will receive the music sheets from HeBu Musikverlag under order number 177796 at the retail price of € 67.00. The difficulty is indicated with 3, duration is 4:20 min.

Further available titles for brass music from CLOU Music are:

•    Fingerhütchen-Polka - Thimble-Polka (composer: Hubert Wolf, arranger: Alfons Stock, order number 170476)
•    Tenorhorn Teufel - Tenor horn devil (solo polka for 1-3 tenor horns) (Composer: Manfred Minnich, arranger: Hubert Wolf, order number 168802)
•    Lustige Musikanten - Funny Musicians (composer: Hubert Wolf, arranger: Harry Becker, order number 130031)
•    Im kleinen Dörfchen  / Das alte Mühlrad - In the small village / The old mill wheel (composer: Wenzel Valcek, arranger: Hubert Wolf, order number 130029)
•    Jeder Tag bringt neue Hoffnung / Der schönste Stern - Every day brings new hope / The most beautiful star (composer: Hubert Wolf / Wenzel Valcek, order number 106502)
•    Der Schornsteinfeger aus Eger / Annamirl – Polka - The chimney sweep from Eger / Annamirl - Polka (composer: Hubert Wolf / Wenzel Valcek, arranger: Hubert Wolf, order number 98921)
•    Anna-Maria / Das ist meine Musik - Anna-Maria / This is my music (order number 161912)
•    Heute hast du Geburtstag / Böhmisches Ständchen - You have birthday today / Bohemian serenade (order number 130030)
•    Sei immer g'scheit und stell dich dumm / Die Liebe blüht nicht nur im Mai - Be always smart and pretend to be stupid / Love does not bloom only in May (order number 161910)
•    So jung wie heute / Ein bisschen Schwindel ist dabei - As young as today / A little dizziness is here (order number 161908)
•    Wir seh'n uns wieder / Sperrstund is - We will see again / Lock hour is (order number 161911)
•    Zupft euch mal am Öhrchen / Kinder, wir leben nur einmal - Pluck yourselves at the little ear / Kids, we live only once (order number 161909))

At you can find further information and audio examples of the editions. You will receive the editions with the original arrangements by Hubert Wolf over HeBu Musikverlag:
HeBu Musikverlag GmbH
Gottlieb-Daimler Str. 22
76703 Kraichtal
Tel.: +49 (0) 72 50 / 92 28-0
Fax: +49 (0) 72 50 / 92 12 31

Frankfurt am Main, August 31, 2017, EISBRECHER No. 1 of the albumcharts

EISBRECHER made it to # 1 of the Official German Charts with "Sturmfahrt" right away! MELODIE DER WELT congratulates its author NOEL PIX to the chartentry! We are very happy about the success.

The album holds many new ideas and is not limited to one genre. "There is hardly anything better to hear in the electrified German rock scene." (Quote: Matthias Weckmann)


Foto © Holger Fichtner

Frankfurt am Main, August 29, 2017, Opening film of Arthouse-Festival Leipzig

“Arthur & Claire”, a charming tragic comedy with depth, tells of two world-weary people, just before suicide, who unexpectedly give each other new support.

The film by Miguel Alexandre, after the play by Stefan Vögel, starts on March 1, 2018 in German cinemas (distribution: Universum Film). Previously, it is one of the opening films of the Leipzig Arthouse-Festival from September 25 to 29, 2017, and will be presented personally by leading actor Josef Harder in the Passage Cinemas.

The title song of the film LAST NIGHT is sung by 16-year-old Dave Alex and is co-published in the brand new edition TOTM, administered by MELODIE DER WELT.


Foto © Miguel Alexandre

Frankfurt am Main, August 1, 2017, 35 years ago
In 1982, a significant merger occurred. Melodie der Welt acquired company shares of the publishing group Rheinische Musikverlage by Otto Kuhl and the publishing house moved from Cologne on the Rhine to Frankfurt on the Main. Six important publishing houses are included in this extensive complex:

West Ton Verlag
The company West Ton was a group. After the death of Otto Kuhl in 1973, the company was led by Jacques Maxime Joseph. West Ton Verlags GmbH has titles such as "Tchiou, Tchiou", "Tango Bolero" and "Im Leben geht alles vorüber” (In life everything will pass) (Peter Kreuder / Peter Schaeffers).

Nord Süd Verlag
The publishing house belonged to West Ton. The most famous title is "Komm Zurück (J'attandrai)" (German text by Ralph Maria Siegel).

Rheinischer Musikverlag Kuhl
Here are songs published as "Kleine Winzerin vom Rhein" (Little Whinemaker from Rhine) (Heinz Sommer) and "Bums Valdera" (Willibald Quanz / Brigitte Weber).

Karl Berbuer Musikverlag
This publishing house has made a name for itself through the care of music of the Rhineland and Cologne carnival music. Karl Berbuer was born on 26 July 1900 and was a native Cologne. Baker by profession, he was active in Cologne carnival from 1924 on and composed more than 120 songs. He met the Rhenish spirit like no other. One of his first success stories in the 1920s was “Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Trizonesien" (We are the natives of Trizonesia), an Evergreen to this day. This song became a Cologne persiflage on the political situation in Germany after Second World War. It also served as an anthem for honouring on sporting events until Germany had its own national anthem. Another very successful song is the carnival song "Heidewitzka, Herr Kapitän" (Hurray, Captain) of 1936. It was almost a worldwide hit, because Konrad Adenauer was welcomed with this song on an official visit in Chicago in 1950. Karl Berbuer died in his hometown on 17 November 1977.

Edition Constantin Kuhl
The main publishing segment of the edition was International Dance Music.

Otto Kuhl Musikverlag
The publishing company, founded by Otto Kuhl, became a member of GEMA in 1925 already. The focus of the publishing house was orchestral light music. In the 1990s the well-known entertaining songs „Wenn das Wasser im Rhein goldner Wein wär“ (When the water of Rhine would be golden Whine) (Werner Stamm/Heinz Böninghausen) und „En D’r Kaygass Nummer Null“ (In Kaygass Street Number Zero) (Hermann Klaeser/ Wilhelm Horkenrath) have been acquired.

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